November 2021 — By the Numbers

November 2021 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from   Email with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  1,749
World Hunger $     615
Social Ministry $  1,980
Total Benevolence $  4,344
Synod $ 16,181
World Hunger $ 11,418
Social Ministry $ 17,891
Total Benevolence $ 45,491


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $25,309
Facility Donations $    —
Rental Income $      833
Expenses $30,390
Net Operating Income $   4,248



Gifts Received $    232,082
Facility Donations $              90
Rental Income $        7,500
Expenses $    250,935
Net Operating  Income $       11,263
Endowment Fund Balance $    201,627
Building Fund Balance $       12,664
Love Fund Balance $       25,254



Worship Attendance:


Date Wed. 6pm Sun. 9am Sun. 10:30am
October 3
38 P + 28 D 22 P
October 6
0 P + 0 D
October 10   62 P + 32 D 35 P
October 13 4 P + 2 D  
October 17 46 P + 32 D 32 P
October 20
12 P + 2 D  
October 24 35 P + 34 D 21 P
October 27 3 P + 0 D
October 31 40 P + 24 D 27 P
Monthly Totals  19 P + 4 D 221 P + 150 D 137 P

Note:    P = the number of People attending in-person worship at CtK.

              D = the number of Devices signed into Zoom or Livestream, NOT the number of individuals (since more than one person can watch service on a single device.)

November 2021 – Youth Group News

November 2021 – Youth Group News

Wait until you see what the Youth created at their Ceramics Painting Party!

We had an awesome time talking and getting creative. You’ll be able to purchase their creations at our Holiday Bake Sale fundraiser, coming up at the end of this month (or possibly the beginning of next month). A huge shout-out to the Durango Arts Center for hosting us, and to Wanda Ellingson for the Thrivent Action Team Card that covered the cost.

As always, thank you for your continued support in helping us get to the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering!

November 2021 – Faith Formation

November 2021 – Faith Formation

The 6th Annual Art Gala is almost here!

November 6th at 5pm.

Artwork is due at CtK By Wednesday, November 3rd.

What’s your favorite parable? Which one makes no sense to you? Which one speaks to your soul? These are some of the many questions you can ask yourself in preparation for this year’s Art Gala! Choose a parable and respond to it artistically – a painting, drawing, sculpture, music, dance…and if you don’t have arkwork to display, that’s OK too! Join us at 5pm on Saturday, November 6th, dressed in your “Durango finest” for a fun and elegant evening of art and fellowship.

Visit for a list of parables for inspiration. Email Deacon Mandy with questions.



November 2021 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

November 2021 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

Renewal leaves – more often called sabbaticals – are intentional times away from the rhythms of work life. In academia, sabbaticals are often times for intentional and intense writing and publishing, research and data collection. But in the church, leaders are specifically encouraged not to work during their time away. A renewal leave is just what it sounds like: time for renewal.

That’s not easy for me. I can hardly imagine what it will be like to not work, to not have a big project, to not be on a deadline for something. So, I struggled a little when I was first asked what I planned to do during my renewal leave. But now, I think I have it figured out.

I will enjoy creating things.

I really enjoy tinkering in my workshop. I don’t have a dedicated space for all of my tools and stuff. They’re all tucked away in the little recesses of our garage, sharing space with our cars, water toys, and bikes. But the thought of having the luxury of time to just be in there, to let my creativity flow and make something grand or teeny or useful or useless or pretty or Frankenstein-ish… that sounds absolutely lovely. And a great way to do something while also not working!

My creativity will no doubt be expressed in other ways, too. I do imagine that I will spend a good deal of time writing. Whether anything I write ends up being published is hardly the point; I just know that I do my best thinking and processing with the written word.

I’m certain that creativity is an essential part of our faith. We are all created in the image of God, and God is the Master Tinkerer. We are called to participate with God in the ongoing process of creation, adding our own little dash of color to the world. (This is one of the reasons that I love our annual Art Gallery & Gala at CtK! It gives us all an opportunity to express our faith through art, and then we get to celebrate together and learn from each other in seeing what everyone has made. Make sure you come to our Art Gallery & Gala this year on Saturday, November 6th from 5:00-7:00pm!)

Do you feel the same way about creativity and faith? If so, I’d LOVE to learn more about how creativity is expressed in your life.


Pastor Tim