Fellowship Groups – Feb. 2024

CtK Piecemaker Quilters

We had a wonderful holiday break! We will be posting our schedule very soon. Please be sure to check back for more news! If you would like to quilt, but don’t know how, join us and we will teach you. For other questions, you can contact Judy Olson at (651) 303-8450 or judy_olson@yahoo.com

CtK Book Club

Our book club is currently meeting via Zoom on the second Thursday of the month at 3:00 P.M. This month we are reading “Mad Honey” by Jodi Piccoult. It is a sad story about teenage romance. This particular book is writtne by two authors, each one writing about different characters in the book. Both are very good writers.

In the following months, we will be reading:

March – West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge

April – Go as a River by Shelley Read


If you have any questions, contact Judy Olson at (651-303-8450) or judy_olson@yahoo.com.

Bible Studies – Feb. 2024

Bible Studies – Feb. 2024

Circle of Contemplative Prayer

The Circle of Contemplative Prayer meets the 1st, 3rd, and (if applicable) 5th Monday at 5:30pm. Silent meditation and prayer sessions are followed by a book discussion.  Currently, the discussion topics delve into the ways the contemplative path calls us to connect our inner search for transformational growth with the external realities of how we live and act, what we eat and wear, etc.

NOTE: Meetings are currently being held via Zoom. For the Zoom link and other pertinent information, please text Sharyn Butler at 970-759-6355.  Thank you.

Great Ol’ Broads of God (GoBoGs)

GoBoGs invites you to join them in study and fellowship each Monday from 4:00-5:30 pm. Our current study is following the series, “The Chosen”, with weekly discussion following an episode, scripture readings, and study guide. For more information contact Kayla Hefner.

*NOTE:  We are currently conferencing via Zoom at 592-847-8387; the password for this meeting is Testify.  The Zoom meeting ID is 966-5642-4190.  Please join them for study sessions that are deeply rewarding. For more information, contact Kayla Hefner at 970-759-1636.

Women’s Bible Study (Tuesdays) led by Deacon Mandy

This newly formed group meets on Tuesdays from 12:00-1:15 PM. We are currently discussing “Women & God” by Kathleen Nielsen. We hope you can come and join us each week!

Please RSVP to Deacon Mandy if you plan on joining us for the Tuesday sessions. Email: Email Deacon Mandy HERE

To purchase the current book – CLICK HERE

Midweek (Thursday) Bible Study led by Pastor Tim & Deacon Mandy

Bible Study class meets on Thursdays from 12:00-1:15 PM.  Attendees can choose to meet for class in-person OR via Zoom. The link to access these meetings via Zoom is:


If you ever misplace this link, you can also find it on our website at:


The “regular password” is needed to access the meeting via Zoom.  If you need the password, contact the church office at 970-247-5310.  We gladly invite and welcome all to join the class. I look forward to seeing each of you!!!

Khuvara (“Circle of Friends”)

We are a group of ladies that meet every Thursday at 1:30. We are currently meeting on Zoom but hope to meet in person soon. We begin by going around and sharing anything that is concerning us about ourselves, our family or friends, or someone in the congregation. We then have a prayer for people in need in our families, our congregation and friends. We always have a book that we are discussing. This week we will begin a new book called, “The Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible”, by Mary E. DeMuth.  If you would like to join us or have any questions, please contact me at 651-303-8450 or Judy_olson@yahoo.com.

Spiritual Study Group (SSG)

Our group meets on Wednesdays at 3:00pm in the Chapel. For more information, or the Zoom link, contact Aurora Rose. (970-382-1848)

Social Ministry News – Feb. 2024

Social Ministry News – Feb. 2024

The Love Fund at Christ the King

You are, hopefully, aware that Christ the King maintains a small pool of money to assist church members and attendees experiencing short-term financial emergencies.  We refer to this as the Love Fund.  However, you may not be aware of the origin of the fund nor how it is maintained.  We hope to remedy that, as the woman whose generosity started it deserves remembering!

Sandy MacAlister was a long-time, active member of Christ the King.  When she passed away in 2003, tragically at an early age, she left a sizable bequest to the church. Most of it went to set up the Mission Endowment Fund, but a smaller amount was earmarked to establish what came to be called the Love Fund.  It has been used ever since by our pastors, with the advice of the Social Ministry Committee, to aid parishioners in need.

Grants from the fund are gifts, given in Christian love, and there is no mention nor expectation of payback, though some recipients have done so.  The money has been used for emergency car repairs, rent or mortgage payments, medicine, legal fees, and many other needs.  Whenever feasible, checks are written directly to providers—mechanics, landlords, doctors, etc.  Since it is meant for short-term, emergency problems, repeat requests are not normally accepted, though exceptions can be made.  Money for the Love Fund comes entirely from donations earmarked for the fund; nothing comes from the church’s general fund.

If you are having temporary financial difficulty, please talk to Pastor Tim or Deacon Mandy.  They will first attempt to connect you various community sources that may be able to help, but if that is impossible, the Love Fund can be considered.  As with any communication to the pastor, it is all held strictly confidential.

The flip side, of course, is that if you are in a sound financial position, please consider donating to the Fund.  Make a note on a check put in the offering plate or on cash put in an offering envelope—or do what Sandy MacAllister did; remember it in your will.

Thank you for reading this far,

The Social Ministry Committee.


Noisy Offering Partner for February (and March):

ELCA World Hunger

Church Explained – Feb. 2024

Church Explained – Feb. 2024

Church Explained

Pastor Tim hosts “Church Explained”, a monthly feature video that includes discussions and brief educational summaries on topics related to CtK and our Lutheran Church, traditions, and faith. This month’s episode continues the mini-series about the Liturgy. Enjoy!

By the Numbers – Feb. 2024

By the Numbers – Feb. 2024

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from automail@360members.com   Email beth@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  3,715
World Hunger $     440
Noisy Offering
$     429
Social Ministry $  1,750
Total Benevolence $   6,333



Synod $  23,233
World Hunger $    5,275
Noisy Offering $  19,330
Social Ministry $  22,605
Total Benevolence $  70,442


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $   53,515
Facility Donations $        255
Rental Income $        833
Total Income
$   54,603
Expenses $   32,008
Net Operating Income $    22,595



Gifts Received $    336,274
Facility Donations $        3,930
Rental Income $      10,000
Total Income
$    350,204
Expenses $    364,400
Net Operating  Income $    (13,875)
Endowment Fund Balance $   193,201
Building Fund Balance $     25,165
Love Fund Balance $     23,857



Worship Attendance:


Date Wed. 6pm Sun. 9:30am
Jan 3
3 P
Jan 7
17 P + 55 D
Jan 10 8 P
Jan 14
32 P + 42 D 
Jan 17
10 P  
Jan 21
  51 P + 41 D
Jan 24
3 P
Jan 28
  86 P + 22 D
Jan 31
6 P
Monthly Totals 30 P
186 P + 160 D

Note:    P = the number of People attending in-person worship at CtK.

              D = the number of Devices signed into Zoom or Livestream, NOT the number of individuals (since more than one person can watch service on a single device.)