Worship Assistants – May 2024

Worship Assistants – May 2024

To sign up for this or any of our volunteer opportunities, be sure to visit: https://www.ctkdurango.org/signup/

Thank You!


Sunday Worship Assistants

9:30 am Inside Sanctuary unless otherwise noted.




May 5 – 9:30am Carla Gonneville
Lisa Weber
Aurora Rose
May 12 – 9:30am Anita Ashby
Barbara Hawxhurst Addison Ashby
May 19 – 6:00pm Lisa Weber Gary Henschen Sharon Henschen
May 26 – 9:30am Catherine Hawk Gary Orlowski Amy Wendland


Sunday Media Desk

9:30 am Inside Sanctuary unless otherwise noted.







May 5 – 9:30am Don Gonneville
Gary Rollstin Gary Orlowski
May 12 – 9:30am Dan Graves Angelia Graves D & A Graves
May 19 – 6:00pm
Anita Ashby
Gary Rollstin Gary Orlowski
May 26 – 9:30am Dan Graves
Angelia Graves D & A Graves

Youth Group News – May 2024

Youth Group News – May 2024

Save the MULTIPLE Dates!

SUNDAY, MAY 19 – High School Senior Appreciation: CtK’s 2 High School graduates, Lana Bodewes and Maggie Gardner, will be lifted up during worship at 9:30am. After, at about 10:30am, we’ll have some goodies and time to spend with each other. (Parents, pick-up will be no later than 12 noon, please).

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 – New Wine Church Tour returns to Durango! Remember in 2022, when they brought us a production of BRIGHT STAR? And we fed them pizza before the FREE performance, and then the congregation brought desserts to share after the show? And remember the show was FREE and it was really, really good? And that anyone in the community can attend on June 12th at 7pm (so tell your friends)? Well, it’s all happening again – but this time the show is GODSPELL. The big tour bus will show up sometime on Wednesday, June 12 – I’ll let you know when they tell me. CtK Youth will meet them here and we’ll have dinner together. Then the congregation and community members will come to the show at 7pm and after we’ll all share the desserts that the congregation brought and get to know these fine youth performers from Minnesota.

SUNDAY, JULY 7 – MANDATORY meeting for Day Camp Jr. Counselors at 5pm. So – SIGN UP TO BE A JR COUNSELOR! All the info you need can be found by clicking here. 




Faith Formation – May 2024

Faith Formation – May 2024

Save the MULTIPLE Dates!

SUNDAY, MAY 19 – High School Senior Appreciation: CtK’s 2 High School graduates, Lana Bodewes and Maggie Gardner, will be lifted up during worship at 9:30am. After, at about 10:30am, The Youth will gather in the Community Hall to spend time together and eat some goodies. Please, adults, come in to say “hi” or a word of encouragement to these lovely young women. (Youth Parents, pick-up will be no later than 12 noon, please).

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 – New Wine Church Tour returns to Durango! Remember in 2022, when they brought us a production of BRIGHT STAR? And the Youth fed them pizza before the FREE performance, and then you, the congregation, brought desserts to share after the show? And remember the show was FREE and it was really, really good? And that anyone in the community can attend on June 12th at 7pm (so tell your friends & neighbors)? Well, it’s all happening again – but this time the show is GODSPELL. The big tour bus will show up sometime on Wednesday, June 12 – I’ll let you know when they tell me. CtK Youth will meet them here and we’ll have dinner together. Then you – the congregation and community members – will come to the show at 7pm and after we’ll all share the desserts that you – the congregation –  brought and get to know these fine youth performers from Minnesota.

SUNDAY, JULY 7 – All snacks and supplies must be at CtK by this date, because DAY CAMP 2024 is Monday, July 8 – Thursday, July 11! Can you help support Day Camp with a donation of snacks & supplies?  Find the Wal-Mart and Oriental Trading wish lists by clicking here.  Want to donate money? Use your credit card to donate to the Day Camp Fund here. You can also put a check in the offering plate (Day Camp 2024 in the memo line), or you can give Deacon Mandy cash, which she will label and put in the safe for deposit. Thank you so much!

Church Explained – May 2024

Church Explained – May 2024

Church Explained

Christ the King Lutheran Church will be celebrating 60 years of ministry and mission on June 27, 2024. A celebration worship service to recognize this milestone will be held on Sunday, June 23, 2024 at 9:30am. Brunch will be provided afterward.

This worship service will be rather unique because it will contain bits and pieces of all of the hymnals that have guided the worship and liturgy of this congregation since its inception. But how well do you know them?

The Service Book & Hymnal (called SBH or the “red book”) was published in 1958, and it was a milestone project that paved the way for the eventual merger of several Lutheran church bodies, all of whom used this hymnal. The Lutheran denominations that used this book included the American Evangelical Lutheran Church, the American Lutheran Church, the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the Lutheran Free Church, the United Evangelical Lutheran Church, and the United Lutheran Church in America.

The Lutheran Book of Worship (called LBW or the “green book”) was published in 1978, and was authorized for use by several predecessor church bodies of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Importantly, this hymnal began as a joint project together with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, too, but they officially withdrew their participation just prior to publication. (They eventually published their own hymnal called Lutheran Worship, which shares a lot in common with the LBW.)

With One Voice (WOV or the “blue book”) was published in 1995 as a joint project between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. Although it does contain a few full liturgy patterns, it was intended to be used as a supplementary resource alongside the LBW.

 Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW or the “cranberry book”) was published in 2006 and was another joint publication between the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada. This hymnal includes a whopping ten communion liturgies, many more liturgies for occasional use, and several new hymns.

Join us on Sunday, June 23, 2024, to get a taste of all of these worship resources that have guided this congregation through the years! And if you haven’t seen our video series, “Church Explained”, be sure to check out the episode where I discuss the Lutheran Hymnal and all the great content inside! 


Pastor Tim