February 2021 — By the Numbers

February 2021 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from fin.sec@ctkdurango.org.   Email churchadmin@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  1,499
World Hunger $     425
Social Ministry $  1,743
Total Benevolence $  3,667
Synod $ 19,296
World Hunger $   8,142
Social Ministry $30,940
Total Benevolence $58,379

Financial Update:

Gifts Received $25,275
Facility Donations $    —
Rental Income $      833
Expenses $25,722
Net Operating Income $     386
Gifts Received $321,905
Facility Donations $       300
Rental Income $    5,000
Expenses $297,930
Net Operating  Income $  29,274
Endowment Fund Balance $189,402

Worship Attendance:

Sunday, January 3, 9:15am 53
Wednesday, January 6, 6pm 3
Sunday,January 10, 9:15am 108*
Wednesday, January 13, 6pm 6
Sunday, January 17, 9:15am 66
Wednesday, January 20, 6pm 2
Sunday, January 24, 9:15am 70
Wednesday, January 27, 6pm 4
Sunday, January 31, 9:15am not available
Monthly Total 312


 *  Joined by Trinity in Farmington



January 2021 — By the Numbers

January 2021 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  At the end of the year, several members did not receive their contribution statements because their spam blocked our newly created email address.  CtK’s recent contribution statements were emailed in July from fin.sec@ctkdurango.org.  So if you have any questions or concerns, please use this email address to contact us.  Thank you.

Synod $1,31
World Hunger $625
Social Ministry $14,662
Total Benevolence $16,618
Synod $17,798
World Hunger $  7,817
Social Ministry $29,197
Total Benevolence $54,812

Financial Update:

Gifts Received $22,180
Facility Donations $       50
Rental Income $      833
Expenses $27,812
Net Operating Income $ (4,749)
Gifts Received $296,629
Facility Donations $       300
Rental Income $    4,167
Expenses $272,428
Net Operating  Income $  28,714
Endowment Fund Balance $ 168,399

Worship Attendance:

Wednesday, December 2, 6pm 6
Sunday, December 6, 9:15am 58
Wednesday, December 9, 6pm 5
Sunday, December 13, 9:15am 57
Wednesday, December 16, 6pm No service
Sunday, December 20, 9:15am 68
Wednesday, December 23, 6pm No service
Christmas Eve, December 24, 5 & 7pm

5pm = 63

7pm = 33

Sunday, December 27, 9:15am 46
Monthly Total 336



January 2021 — By the Numbers

December 2020 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  At the end of the year, several members did not receive their contribution statements because their spam blocked our newly created email address.  CtK’s recent contribution statements were emailed in July from fin.sec@ctkdurango.org.  So if you have any questions or concerns, please use this email address to contact us.  Thank you.

Synod $1,391
World Hunger $415
Social Ministry $1,312
Total Benevolence $3,119
Synod $16,467
World Hunger $  7,092
Social Ministry $14,535
Total Benevolence $38,094

Financial Update:

Gifts Received $23,189
Facility Donations $     —
Rental Income $      833
Expenses $24,238
Net Operating Income $     (216)
Gifts Received $274,449
Facility Donations $       250
Rental Income $    3,333
Expenses $244,616
Net Operating  Income $  33,463
Endowment Fund Balance $ 171,172

Worship Attendance:

Sunday, November 1, 9:15am 59
Wednesday, November 4, 6pm 6
Sunday, November 8, 9:15am 66
Wednesday, November 11, 6pm 6
Sunday, November 15, 9:15am 63
Wednesday, November 18, 6pm 7
Sunday, November 22, 9:15am 52
Wednesday, November 25, 6pm 3
Sunday, November 29, 9:15am 63
Monthly Total 325



January 2021 — By the Numbers

November 2020 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  At the end of the year, several members did not receive their contribution statements because their spam blocked our newly created email address.  CtK’s recent contribution statements were emailed in July from fin.sec@ctkdurango.org.  So if you have any questions or concerns, please use this email address to contact us.  Thank you.

Synod $1,560
World Hunger $515
Social Ministry $1,566
Total Benevolence $3,641
Synod $15,076
World Hunger $  6,677
Social Ministry $13,223
Total Benevolence $34,976

Financial Update:

Gifts Received $26,001
Facility Donations $     —
Rental Income $      833
Expenses $25,003
Net Operating Income $  1,831
Gifts Received $251,261
Facility Donations $       250
Rental Income $    2,500
Expenses $220,378
Net Operating  Income $  33,678
Endowment Fund Balance $172,888

Worship Attendance:

Sunday, October 4, 9:15am

34 Zoom

40 In-prsn

Wednesday, October 7, 6pm 7 Zoom
Sunday, October 11, 9:15am 63 Zoom
Wednesday,October 14, 6pm 3 Zoom
Sunday, October 18, 9:15am 55 Zoom
Wednesday, October 21, 6pm 7 Zoom
Sunday, October 25, 9:15am

42 Zoom

30 In-prsn

Monthly Total 281



January 2021 — By the Numbers

October 2020 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  At the end of the year, several members did not receive their contribution statements because their spam blocked our newly created email address.  CtK’s recent contribution statements were emailed in July from fin.sec@ctkdurango.org.  So if you have any questions or concerns, please use this email address to contact us.  Thank you.

Synod $1,761
World Hunger $415
Social Ministry $1,009
Total Benevolence $3,185
Synod $13,516
World Hunger $  6,162
Social Ministry $11,656
Total Benevolence $31,334

Financial Update:

Gifts Received $29,354
Facility Donations $        50
Rental Income $      833
Expenses $23,024
Net Operating Income $  7,214
Gifts Received $225,261
Facility Donations $       250
Rental Income $    1,667
Expenses $195,375
Net Operating  Income $  31,802
Endowment Fund Balance $167,166

Worship Attendance:

Wednesday, September 2, 6pm 4
Sunday, September 6, 9:15am 52
Wednesday, September 9, 6pm 5
Sunday, September 13, 9:15am Zoom=42


Wednesday,September 16, 6pm 0
Sunday, September 20, 9:15am 55
Wednesday, September 23, 6pm 8
Sunday, September 27, 9:15am Zoom=41


Monthly Total 298