September 2019 Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

September 2019 Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

“The Unique Gifts of the ELCA”

When Bishop Gonia visited our congregation last year, he led an activity called “Claiming Our Gifts.” This activity was designed to open our eyes to the many unique gifts that we can celebrate as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Some of them were theological in nature: grace; paradox; the theology of the cross. Some of them were practical: ministry of all the baptized; word and sacrament as means of grace. Still others celebrated our unique church structure as “Glocal,” ecumenical, and interdependent. The last grouping celebrated the ELCA’s legacy, our history. In this category, Bishop Gonia placed the Lutheran Reformation – a gift of the church that continues more than 500 years later – and the multitude of church mergers that have happened over the years to bring about the ELCA as it is today. Lastly, Bishop Gonia referred to our legacy as being a church shaped by an immigrant history.

Those who participated in my Bible study on Lutheranism a few years ago will remember the way that Lutheranism in America grew primarily from immigrants primarily from Germany, Denmark, and the Scandinavian countries. These people came seeking opportunity and freedom from religious persecution. When they came to their new country, they found (or founded) a church that welcomed them, provided them with a community, and nourished them with God’s grace.

That work continues today through an organization called Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS). This organization has been in existence for 80 years, working alongside other organizations like Catholic Social Services and the U.S. Federal government to provide help for those in the often-complicated immigration or refugee process. This is one of the few ministries with which the ELCA still finds a welcome partner with the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod! To me, that just highlights this organization’s amazing role in bringing people together for an important and needed ministry.

Immigration has been a hot topic in the news lately, and usually not in a good way. Illegal immigration is, indeed, a problem for our country that needs to be addressed. Meanwhile, there are still people all around the world who are seeking to find opportunity, flee persecution, and avoid starvation, violence and war. Nearly 71 million people were forcibly displaced from their homes in 2018. That’s a staggering number! So, for those who are looking to enter the asylum process as a refugee, or for those who are looking to enter our immigration system, LIRS still is there offering their help. But while the need increases around the world, the funds to provide such ministries dwindles.

You may recall that earlier this year, CtK received $46,000 as the settlement for the property easement sale. The Church Council decided to do a 10% tithe: 5% for Synod Benevolence and 5% to be decided by the Social Ministry team. Given the need, the Social Ministry Team at CtK has designated their portion of this “gift” ($2,300) to support this ministry in their work of supporting, walking alongside of, and providing assistance to those who are navigating our complicated immigration system. To be clear, this is a long-standing, reputable organization that seeks to help those who want to follow the asylum or immigration process in a legal way. At a time when the need for such organizations and ministries is sharply increasing, the social ministry team felt that this was a compassionate and just response.

If you have questions about LIRS, or if you’d like to talk about this contribution, please see me. I’d be happy to have a conversation with you about it.


Pastor Tim

August 2019 Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

August 2019 Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

There are a handful of events at CtK that I look forward to every year: Lent in general, but the Holy Week services in particular (and Easter Eve, to be even more specific); our Super Bowl party and appetizer contest; All Saints’ Sunday; our Live Nativity; and our Christmas Eve worship services, to name a few. But one event still stands out as perhaps my most beloved event: our annual Art Gallery & Gala.

I don’t know if you understand how special this event is. I’ve never been to or heard of another congregation – Lutheran or otherwise – that devotes this much time and energy to creating artwork around some biblical theme. And that it includes people of all ages, all skill levels, all art mediums, makes it that much more special. Finally, it requires that you – the artists – actually spend time thinking about, praying over, and creatively representing some biblical book or theme, which makes this congregation more biblically literate than most. I just love this event!

This year’s theme is “The Book of Psalms,” and the Gala will be held on Saturday, November 2nd from 5:00-7:00pm. I’m giving you plenty of advance notice about this year’s event so that you will have time to do your thinkin’ and prayin’ and creatin’. Again, any art medium is invited and welcome, including (but not limited to):

  • Painting
  • Sketching
  • Lego-Building
  • Dancing
  • Sculpting
  • Cooking
  • Singing (stay tuned for more info on our “Open Mic” time!)
  • Photographing
  • Quilting
  • Writing
  • Public Speaking
  • Sewing
  • Videography and Editing
  • … something completely new and unexpected!

If you need help coming up with ideas of what to do for this year’s event, please come talk to me. I’d be happy to brainstorm with you!

Finally, let me encourage you to invite your family or friends or neighbors to create something for this year’s Gallery! We have invited others from other churches and faith communities around Durango to participate, but a personal invitation is always more effective. Then, of course, invite those same people to come and view what others have made at the Gala. It’ll be another wonderful evening that will bring a smile to your face, I’m sure!

To RSVP for the event (helpful, but not required), click here.


Pastor Tim

July 2019 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

July 2019 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

Church Camp Out, July 19th–21st!

Our annual church camp out is coming up! Join me and other CtK’ers for two nights (or just one, if you’d prefer) at Chris Park, near Haviland Lake north of Durango. A group site has been reserved, and there is PLENTY of space for tent camping, and several spaces for RVs. If you plan to camp, please notify Pastor Tim as soon as possible. Campers can arrive anytime after 3:00pm on Friday, July 19th.

On Saturday, July 20th, all are welcome to a community dinner at 5:30pm at the Chris Park Pavilion (even if you’re not camping with us!). Hot dogs, brats and buns will be provided. Please bring a side dish to share. Please be sure to let Pastor Tim know if you plan to come, so that we have enough food.

After dinner, stick around for a good ol’ fashioned “Beverage & Hymn Sing!” Lemonade and hot chocolate will be provided. Otherwise, feel free to B.Y.O.beverage. We’ll circle up around the campfire and have a good time of fellowship and song. Feel free to bring your instrument along, too – any skill level welcome to join in the fun!

Finally, on Sunday, July 21st, we will have only ONE worship service at Christ the King Lutheran Church at 10:30am. (No 8:00am worship service that morning.)

I hope you’re able to make it for this fantastically fun time!


Pastor Tim

The Barefoot Days of Summer

The Barefoot Days of Summer

Those who know me well – and those who happen to stop by the church office when the weather is warm – know that my preferred footwear is none at all. It’s not that I dislike shoes; but my feet feel so much happier when they can wiggle and waggle freely, without the confines of laces and fabric and rubber.

There’s a lot to be said for going barefoot in the warmer weather. It brings to mind one of my favorite stories: that of Moses and the burning bush, when the LORD speaks to Moses and tells him to remove his sandals for the place where he is standing is holy ground. I love that idea – that the very ground we walk upon is holy simply because of the LORD’s presence. And while I’ve never thought about it as such, it is fairly accurate to say that when I’m barefoot, I pay a lot more attention to the ground than I do when I am fully shod.

I notice the scratchiness of carpet more. I notice the slightest hint of dew on cold morning grass. I notice the squishiness of the asphalt that was used to fill the cracks in our parking lot. I notice the speed at which the sun makes my feet burn. And I definitely notice the smallest of pebbles or pine needles. Some of these things may come across as nuisances, but all of them do – in fact – serve to make me stop and realize the gift of where I am in that moment. I am forced to stop and recognize the holiness of that particular spot, pebbles and all.

This year, the warm weather has yet to come; but you can be sure, when it does, that your pastor will once again relish in the joy of bare feet! I hope you’ll take some time to enjoy the holiness of this season, as well.


Pastor Tim

Summer Photo Challenge:  Pics with Pastors

Summer Photo Challenge: Pics with Pastors

Summer is quickly approaching, and the warmer weather means that more people will be going on vacations, camping trips, or to family reunions. Indeed, I will be taking some time this summer to do those very same things. It is good for our bodies, minds and souls to get away at times.

However, as your pastor, let me encourage you NOT to take a vacation from God this summer. As far as it is within your power, I hope that you might keep up your worship attendance with us at CtK. This church just isn’t complete without you, so please come!

If you are out-of-town, though, I invite you to participate in a Summer Photo Challenge. Wherever you might be, visit a nearby church for worship or just to drop in and visit. You can find ELCA churches through the website; but you could also visit a church of a different denomination. While you’re there, take some pictures of the building. Take a picture of their Sanctuary (not during worship, please!). And, finally, ask to take a picture (a selfie!) with the Pastor!

If you’ve got the time, jot down some notes about your experience. You can use these questions to guide you:

  • What do you like about the church building / property?
  • How does the congregation welcome or interact with visitors?
  • Ask one of the members: what brought you to this congregation? What makes you stay?
  • Ask the Pastor: what ministry or ministries thrive in this congregation?

You can bring these pictures and responses to me at the church, or send them to me electronically at I’m eager to see all of the responses we get!

Finally, let me encourage you to sign up for the Simply Giving program that enables you to have your offering to CtK automatically withdrawn from your checking account on regular intervals. Summer is the hardest time for churches financially because people are gone and forget to make up their offerings later on. Simply Giving helps you by giving you one less thing to try to remember; and it helps the church by giving us a more predictable stream of contributions. If you have questions, see me or Beth Stelz for more information.


Pastor Tim
