February 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

February 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

 “Planning for Renewal”

I can hardly believe I’m about to write these words, but here it goes: I have been planning ahead a lot lately. And… I actually have enjoyed it! Part of the motivation for this has been my upcoming time of Renewal Leave, which – although it is more than a year away – needs to be thought about and prepared for now. But between sessions of long-range planning, I’ve also been engaged in meetings about potential renters for CtK’s Garden Level Suites (how’s that for a fancy name?); working with Facilities Team members on items on their To-Do list; interviewing and hiring new staff members (be sure to say hi to Jenna Hutt, Director of Joyful Noise, and Jared Wright, Choir Director); arranging times for visits from directors of our various partner ministries; planning Bible studies; and conducting pastoral counseling meetings with various members and visitors. It’s been a whirlwind, that’s for sure, but I’m actually enjoying it.

All of that is a long introduction to say: things are really going to take off beginning in the month of February. Here are just a few of the highlights…

February 2nd – We will celebrate “Candlemas” at both worship services this day. More accurately, this day is known as “Presentation of Our Lord,” and it occurs 40 days after Christmas. The name “Candlemas” was a later moniker for the day because traditionally it was the day that all the candles that would be used for the year in the church would be blessed. It provides a fun, visible reminder of the light of Christ, who shines brightly for all to see. (This is also Super Bowl Sunday, and we will once again hold our Super Bowl Party – with appetizer contest – at CtK in the evening!)

February 9th – We will be welcoming James Horan, the Executive Director of Lutheran Family Services – Rocky Mountains, to CtK. He will join us for both worship services, and – after both worship services – he will lead a session about the many ministries and services that LFS provides.

February 16th – The Renewal Leave Team invites you to another session to learn about and have discussion about my upcoming time of Renewal Leave (happening June – August, 2021). We need the input and support of CtK’ers as we write a grant that can provide funds for CtK and for me during this time of renewal.

February 26th – Lent begins with an Ash Wednesday worship service at CtK beginning at 6:00pm.

March 1st – (Okay… this isn’t technically February, but it needs to be promoted now.) Dr. Seuss Sunday!!! One of my favorite traditions of the year. Invite your friends and family to join you at CtK this day for a faith-filled, fun time of worship in Seussian rhyme!

I hope that you’ll be able to join me for one or all of these events in the coming month.


Pastor Tim



January 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

January 2020 — Pastor Tim’s Thoughts


“Where is that bag of chips?”

I’m a late night snacker. It’s not the best or healthiest habit, I know, but the craving for salt or sweet at night sometimes drowns out the little voice in my brain telling me not to do it. Usually, a serving of ice cream or a handful of chips are on the menu. Every once in a long while, though, I find my craving for something completely different: fresh vegetables. Sometimes, my craving is for that juicy red bell pepper; or for those tart cherry tomatoes; or for those crunchy carrots. These unusual late night cravings surprise me, but they tell me that perhaps this is what my body actually needs every once in a while. My body needs the good stuff as a respite from the unhealthier snacks that are the norm.

In the summer of 2021, I’ll be taking a few months away from CtK for a planned sabbatical. A sabbatical offers an opportunity to get off the treadmill and provides an opportunity for renewal of vision and hope. After years of gorging myself with the multi-faceted tasks associated with ministry – tasks I love, by the way – I’m sensing an unusual craving: stopping. Like those late-night vegetable snacks, I’m taking this as a cue that my body – indeed, my spirit – needs some rest and rejuvenation as a respite from my normal hectic schedule. Yet, I know that a sabbatical is intended to be more than just a chance to recharge one’s batteries for another year. It can be a life and soul-changing time, a time when perspective and the Holy Spirit can come together. I’m looking forward to it.

Starting this month, I’ll be writing a grant outlining my plans and desired outcomes for a sabbatical that I’m planning to take in summer 2021. The grant asks some pretty specific questions about what it is I plan to “do” during this time, understanding that this is not a “working vacation,” but a chance for rest and rejuvenation. One of my tasks over the next few weeks is to distill all of the ideas running around in my brain down to one or three that would actually be doable.

An equally important part of the grant asks what the congregation plans to do during my sabbatical. What hopes and dreams does the congregation want to fulfill? What events, or faith formation opportunities, or rejuvenation activities would the congregation want to engage in for those weeks while I’m gone? A spiritual growth retreat? A faith formation series with a special guest speaker?

Whether or not the grant is accepted, I think these are worthwhile questions to consider. They will help me and the congregation to get a sense of what it is that we need during this extended sabbath time. What is it that we – as the Body of Christ – need as a respite from our normal, everyday life as church together? And how would those needs satisfy our deepest cravings? In the coming weeks and months, I look forward to exploring those questions with you.

Now, where is that bag of chips?


Pastor Tim


Now Collecting First-Aid Items for NELM

Now Collecting First-Aid Items for NELM

For the past several years, we at CtK have supported the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, AZ, for their annual Christmas Quilt Giveaway. This event draws people from all over the regional chapter of NELM to get quilts to sustain them through the long, dark, cold winter months.

This year, we will continue our support of the mission for this event. If you have any quilts or blankets that can be donated for their annual event, then please bring them. But we are also looking to collect ADDITIONAL items of great importance for them: first aid kits.

The Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission is located about 50 miles from the nearest health clinic in Chinle, AZ. If a medical emergency arises, even waiting for EMS personnel can take close to an hour. So, having some first aid items on hand for the community can be a vital ministry.

We will be collecting any first aid items or kits at the church in the Welcome Center until Sunday, December 8th. I will be delivering any quilts and/or first aid items later that week. If you have any questions, or would like to know more about what kind of items might be needed, contact the church office or see the list printed in the Welcome Center.

Thanks for your support of these, our ministry partners!

Pastor Tim

November 2019 Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

November 2019 Pastor Tim’s Thoughts


On Your Mark. . . , Get Set. . . , GO!

Take a deep breath, ‘cuz the sprint starts now. November always seems to feel that way. After
August, September and October – three relatively quiet months in terms of holidays, festival
days, or big events – November really gets things going with a bang, and it won’t let up until
spring! I hope that you’ll be able to be a part of many of these events. Here’s a look at what’s
happening in just the next two months!

November 2 – CtK’s Fourth Annual Art Gallery & Gala, from 5:00-7:00pm. Open mic night begins at 6:00pm. Come dressed up all fancy-like for this elegant affair (and bring your friends, too!).

November 3 – All Saints’ Sunday. We will take time during worship services to remember those
who have died in faith before us, giving thanks for their life and witness to the gospel.

November 10 – CtK’s Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting following a single 9:30am worship
service. Potluck to follow in the Community Hall.

November 26 – Stuffing Smooooshing Party at Manna Soup Kitchen

November 27 – Durango Community Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service hosted by CtK.
Worship begins at 6:00pm with a Pie Social to follow.

November 30 – Sanctuary Christmas Decorating

December 1 – Advent begins

December 15 – Holiday Hoopla begins at noon. Come decorate some “gingerbread” “houses”
that will be given away the following week (for a donation that will support a local aid

December 22 – Aurora Rose’s Retirement Party (between services); also our Live Nativity
which will take the place of our 10:30am worship service.

December 24 – Christmas Eve Worship services at 5:00pm and 7:00pm. This is Aurora’s last
worship service as Director of Joyful Noise.

Pastor Tim

October 2019 Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

October 2019 Pastor Tim’s Thoughts

Christ the King Lutheran Church has officially been a partner in ministry with the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission and its congregation – the House of Prayer – for three years now. During that time, we have had several people who have visited and worked at the Mission; we have contributed to the Mission financially; and held them in prayer, as they do for us. NELM and its Executive Director, the Rev. Kate Adelman, have sent along a note of thanks for the many ways that we continue to support their ministries. NELM has undergone a series of changes over the past few months. Their Mission Director – the person who organized and planned trips for church groups visiting the Mission – died tragically in December 2018. For the following few months, the Mission staff tried their best to pick up the pieces that inevitably fell in her absence. Finally, in mid-August, a new Mission Director was hired. Patterson Yazzie has been working hard to figure out the lay of the land in this new position, as well as working to hire and train new staff to get the Mission back on track. Unfortunately, in the midst of this chaotic transition, the Mission has suffered in more ways than one. Pastor Kate sent me an email just last week, and said, “The Mission of today is not your Mama’s Mission! While history has not been kind to the Navajo folks, we are focused on opportunities and solutions that shape the future. We are beginning to see some healing and hope emerge in the eyes of the people. God indeed does more than we can ask or imagine. Amid all the good news…2019 finances have been dismal. At this juncture, I am uncertain if we will make payroll due a week from today. If you have any extra funds designated for the Mission, now would be the time to send it!” The good news was that we had $250 designated for the Mission for 2019 that we had not yet sent. The bad news is that our $250 combined with the gifts of other partners will sustain them for only a short time. I know that finances are getting tight all around, but Scripture (and Pastor Kate!) reminds us that God can do abundantly more than all we can ask or imagine. So, on October 13th, we will have a Special Offering for NELM, as a way to support our friends and partners in Rock Point, Arizona. If you are able to help, I’m sure they would appreciate it; if finances are too tight for you to give more than you already are, then please support them with your prayers. Those prayers can transform and energize ministry, too! (Incidentally, October 13th is also the day of our next Sunday Celebration focused on the theme of Generosity! How appropriate! Plan to be a part of that celebration, too, from 9:30-10:15am on Sunday, October 13th!) If you have any questions or concerns about NELM, its ministry, or this special offering, please let me know! Peace, Pastor Tim