June 2023 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from automail@360members.com   Email beth@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  1,448
World Hunger $     440
Noisy Offering
$   7,668
Social Ministry $   4,125
Total Benevolence $  13,682



Synod $   6,093
World Hunger $    1,755
Noisy Offering $  16,240
Social Ministry $  10,105
Total Benevolence $  34,193


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $   21,113
Facility Donations $        275
Rental Income $        833
Total Income
$   22,221
Expenses $   31,300
Net Operating Income $   (9,079)



Gifts Received $        88,425
Facility Donations $              950
Rental Income $           3,333
Expenses $       123,948
Net Operating  Income $      (31,239)
Endowment Fund Balance $      177,806
Building Fund Balance $        18,448
Love Fund Balance $        28,261



Worship Attendance:


Date Wed. 6pm Sun. 9:30am
May 3
14 P
May 7
  60 P + 25 D
May 10
8 P  
May 14
  78 P + 27 D
May 17
7 P
May 21
70 P + 23 D
May 24
12 P
May 28
73 P + 22 D 
May 31
15 P  
Monthly Totals 56 P
281 P + 97 D

Note:    P = the number of People attending in-person worship at CtK.

              D = the number of Devices signed into Zoom or Livestream, NOT the number of individuals (since more than one person can watch service on a single device.)

May 2023 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from automail@360members.com   Email beth@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  1,553
World Hunger $     440
Noisy Offering
$   3,013
Social Ministry $   3,480
Total Benevolence $  8,486



Synod $   4,645
World Hunger $    1,315 
Noisy Offering $   8,572
Social Ministry $  5,980
Total Benevolence $  20,511


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $   22,581
Facility Donations $        225
Rental Income $        833
Expenses $   30,837
Net Operating Income $   (7,197)



Gifts Received $        67,313
Facility Donations $             675
Rental Income $           2,500
Expenses $        92,644
Net Operating  Income $      (22,156)
Endowment Fund Balance $      173,133
Building Fund Balance $        18,248
Love Fund Balance $       29,300



Worship Attendance:


Date Wed. 6pm Sun. 9:30am
April 2
81 P + 28 D
April 5
12 P
April 6 (6:00pm)
  35 P + 22 D
April 7 (6:00pm)
45 P + 20 D
April 8 (5:30pm)
59 P  
April 9 (SONrise)
21 P
April 9 (Sanctuary)
  95 P + 36 D
April 12
6 P
April 16
66 P + 26 D
April 19
8 P
April 23
74 P + 24 D 
April 26
12 P  
April 30   77 P + 21 D
Monthly Totals 118 P
473 P + 177 D

Note:    P = the number of People attending in-person worship at CtK.

              D = the number of Devices signed into Zoom or Livestream, NOT the number of individuals (since more than one person can watch service on a single device.)

April 2023 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from automail@360members.com   Email beth@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  1,488
World Hunger $     440
Noisy Offering
$.   4,511
Social Ministry $   1,050
Total Benevolence $  7,489



Synod $   3,092
World Hunger $      875
Noisy Offering $   5,559
Social Ministry $  2,500
Total Benevolence $  12,026


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $   21,570
Facility Donations $        225
Rental Income $        833
Expenses $   32,827
Net Operating Income $   (10,199)



Gifts Received $        44,731
Facility Donations $             450
Rental Income $           1,667
Expenses $        61,807
Net Operating  Income $      (14,959)
Endowment Fund Balance $      178,086
Building Fund Balance $        18,198
Love Fund Balance $       29,092



Worship Attendance:


Date Wed. 6pm Sun. 9:30am
Mar 1
9 P
Mar 5
75 P + 40 D
Mar 8
8 P 
Mar 12
73 P + 28 D
Mar 15
10 P
Mar 19
57 P + 26 D
Mar 22
0 P
Mar 26
  84 P + 30 D
Mar 29
9 P
Monthly Totals 36 P
289 P + 124 D

Note:    P = the number of People attending in-person worship at CtK.

              D = the number of Devices signed into Zoom or Livestream, NOT the number of individuals (since more than one person can watch service on a single device.)

March 2023 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from automail@360members.com   Email beth@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  1,604
World Hunger $     435
Social Ministry $   2,498
Total Benevolence $  4,537



Synod $   1,604
World Hunger $      435
Social Ministry $  2,498
Total Benevolence $  4,537


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $   23,161
Facility Donations $        225
Rental Income $        833
Expenses $   28,901
Net Operating Income $    (4,681)



Gifts Received $        23,161
Facility Donations $             225
Rental Income $             833
Expenses $       28,901
Net Operating  Income $       (4,681)
Endowment Fund Balance $      166,967
Building Fund Balance $        17,806
Love Fund Balance $       30,636



Worship Attendance:


Date Wed. 6pm Sun. 9:30am
Feb 1
9 P
Feb 5
84 P + 39 D
Feb 8
12 P 
Feb 12
72 P + 34 D
Feb 15
15 P
Feb 19
73 P + 33 D
Feb 22
47 D
Feb 26
  73 P + 34 D
Monthly Totals 36 P
302 P + 187 D

Note:    P = the number of People attending in-person worship at CtK.

              D = the number of Devices signed into Zoom or Livestream, NOT the number of individuals (since more than one person can watch service on a single device.)

February 2023 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from automail@360members.com   Email beth@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  2,827
World Hunger $     860
Social Ministry $   6,446
Total Benevolence $  10,133



Synod $  23,330
World Hunger $  14,223
Social Ministry $  27,449
Total Benevolence $  65,002


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $   40,863
Facility Donations $        225
Rental Income $        833
Expenses $   31,131
Net Operating Income $   10,791



Gifts Received $     337,451
Facility Donations $         2,839
Rental Income $        10,000
Expenses $     338,644
Net Operating  Income $         11,645
Endowment Fund Balance $      166,967
Building Fund Balance $        17,641
Love Fund Balance $       30,149



Worship Attendance:


Date Wed. 6pm Sun. 9:30am
Jan 1
  53 P + 34 D
Jan 4
9 P
Jan 8
81 P + 24 D
Jan 11
9 P 
Jan 15
16 P + 52 D
Jan 18
8 P
Jan 22
80 P + 27 D
Jan 25
12 P
Jan 29
  80 P 27 + D
Monthly Totals 38 P
310 P + 164 D

Note:    P = the number of People attending in-person worship at CtK.

              D = the number of Devices signed into Zoom or Livestream, NOT the number of individuals (since more than one person can watch service on a single device.)

January 2023 — By the Numbers

Our Gifts Blessing Others:

Please note:  CtK contribution statements are emailed quarterly from fin.sec@ctkdurango.org.   Email churchadmin@ctkdurango.org with questions, corrections, or if you need a paper statement mailed.  Thank you.

Synod $  1,729
World Hunger $     460
Social Ministry $   1,530
Total Benevolence $  3,719


Synod $  20,504
World Hunger $  13,363
Social Ministry $  20,978
Total Benevolence $  54,844


Financial Update:


Gifts Received $   25,019
Facility Donations $        200
Rental Income $        833
Expenses $   30,605
Net Operating Income $   (4,553)



Gifts Received $     296,588
Facility Donations $         2,614
Rental Income $         9,166
Expenses $     307,171
Net Operating  Income $          1,197
Endowment Fund Balance $      162,060
Building Fund Balance $        17,316
Love Fund Balance $       30,052



Worship Attendance:


Date Wed. 6pm Sun. 9:30am
Dec 4
  72 P + 44 D
Dec 7
6 P
Dec 11
67 P + 34 D
Dec 14
9 P 
Dec 18
40 P + 35 D
Dec 21
6 P
Dec 25
160 P + 25 D
Dec 28
0 P
Monthly Totals 21 P
339 P + 138 D

Note:    P = the number of People attending in-person worship at CtK.

              D = the number of Devices signed into Zoom or Livestream, NOT the number of individuals (since more than one person can watch service on a single device.)