July 2019 — Social Ministry

July 2019 — Social Ministry

Love Out Loud

A huge, heartfelt THANK YOU to all those who participated in the 2019 Love Out Loud event.  What an amazing demonstration of God’s love as we served individuals and organizations on dozens of community service projects. We prepared 40 meals as part of the Meal Ministry held in our CtK kitchen.  CtK also hosted a Blood Drive and appreciated the 19 donors who participated in that project.  Thanks for spreading the Love!

Habitat Update

Many thanks to our 12 CtK volunteers who worked on the Habitat duplex and helped with lunch.  John Condie, Larry Fry, Jim Shadell, Dominique Holling, Larry Rardin, Tom Gray, Clark Lagow, Paul and Matt Pane all turned out to do some framing, painting, laying mulch, and building scaffolding…at least I think that’s what it was.  Barb Hawxhurst, Carroll Groeger, and Rap Fairley provided lunch for all the workers, which included not only CtK, but 2 groups of Americore volunteers, one of the partnership families, the construction manager, and a Hammer’s Club volunteer.  Habitat gives people “A hand up, not a hand out”.

Those of you wishing to volunteer more, Habitat for Humanity has a Hammer’s Club volunteer group which works during the week.  Contact Habitat Volunteer Coordinator, Taylor Irwin, at 970-382-2215 if you are interested or talk to Tom Gray.

~  Rap Fairley, CtK’s Habitat Coordinator

July 2019 — Social Ministry

June 2019 — Social Ministry

Love Out Loud

SAVE the dates:  June 1st through June 9th!

During this year’s 2019 Love Out Loud event, you can choose from over 50 community service projects to help spread God’s love around our community.  Some projects can even be done from home!  Please register by visiting:   https://www.fumcdurango.org/love-out-loud-2019 or contact CtK’ers Beth Stelz at 970-903-8354 or Dominique Holling at 303-619-4268.

Events held at CtK:

Tuesday, June 4th:  Help someone in the community by participating in the Love Out Loud blood drive.  The blood drive truck will be in the CtK parking lot from 4 — 7pm.  Check availability at


Saturday, June 8th:  Help prepare meals for the homebound and others in need.  Sign up for whatever time commitment you can and meet at the CtK Kitchen from 9am—4pm.

Habitat Update

Habitat for HumanityCtK’s Build Day comes early this year Saturday, June 1st.  We will be back at Fox Farms in Bayfield beginning at 8:30 AM working on another duplex… FRAMING — one of the really fun parts of building.  It’s not too late to volunteer to work on site and/or to help provide lunch that day (the usual sandwiches, chips, salad, drinks, and dessert).   If you really enjoy our build day, Love Out Loud is also sponsoring a Build Day on Saturday, June 8.  Sign up for this date is separate at https://www.fumcdurango.org/love-out-loud-2019      ~  For more info, contact Rap Fairley for CtK Habitat at 410-474-3571.

July 2019 — Social Ministry

May 2019 — Social Ministry

Love Out Loud

SAVE the dates:  June 1st through June 9th!

Join fellow CtK’ers and folks from other area churches as we come together to spread works of kindness throughout the Durango Community.

This year, we have an extra weekend planned for even more opportunities to serve.  Stay tuned for details.  CtK Coordinators:; Beth Stelz and Dominique Holling

Habitat Update

Habitat for HumanityCtK’s Build Day comes early this year Saturday, June 1st.  We will be back at Fox Farms in Bayfield working on another duplex… FRAMING — one of the really fun parts of building.  We need volunteers to work on site and to help provide lunch that day (the usual sandwiches, chips, salad, drinks, and dessert).  A signup sheet will be in the Welcome Center beginning May 11th.  So if you would like to volunteer please do so – we can certainly use your help.  For those who sign up, someone will be calling you with more details the week before the build date.

And YES!  You really are helping others!  The following is from one of the Habitat Partners (recipient of a Habitat home).

It has been an amazing experience of hard work, love, kindness, and learning. The kindness of others, the willingness to teach someone new things, is hope when a family has disparity in their life. The ability to create a new life for our children is evident in Habitat. I remember just praying and sitting there looking at that empty lot. My children were dancing on top of the foundation in the cold winter months, sitting in that little trailer with mittens on after work and school — organizing tools and getting supplies ready for the build. We did not give up even though we were in a tough place. There is a dedication in the families that commit to this endeavor. It has helped me teach my children and myself. It not only creates a home, but character, integrity, a change in self-awareness, and the love of community. Hopefully, I can receive the education to find a job where I can help people like this.

NOTE:  If you really enjoy our build day, Love Out Loud is also sponsoring a Build Day the following Saturday, June 8.  Sign up for that is separate!  ~ Rap Fairley for CtK Habitat

Some of Our Church’s Ministries

Some of Our Church’s Ministries

The world provides enough food for all, but more than 800 million people around the world face chronic hunger.  We believe in a God of abundance, so as a church, we live out our call in baptism to strive for a just world where all are fed.  ELCA World Hunger is our church’s ministry to end hunger and poverty.  We walk alongside our partners and companions in the US and more than 60 other countries.  Your gifts to ELCA World Hunger address hunger and poverty around the world with creative and courageous action.

This Lent, you are invited to join together with fellow supporters to study, reflect, and give during ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving.  Experience how the grace of Christ moves us to engage in transformative works of love around the world as God calls us into the ministry of hope, liberation, and restoration for our world.

Give Today:  Mail — Make your check payable to “ELCA World Hunger” and write “40 Days of Giving” on the memo line.  Place your check in the offering plate or mail to:  ELCA, P. O. Box 1809, Merrifield, VA 22116-8009.

                    Online — Give online with a credit card at:  ELCA.org/40Days

                    Phone — 1-800-638-3522

Palms for Palm Sunday

The palms we will use on Palm Sunday (April 14th) are brought to you by Eco-Palms, a Lutheran World Relief partner.   Eco-Palms communities use harvesting methods that protect the land they so greatly depend on for their livelihood; methods which also aid substantially in the community’s investment in forest fire protection.  What’s more, their harvesting process provides jobs and income to growing communities instead of middlemen reaping the benefits.  See the story at:  https://lwr.org/story-hub/how-lutheran-congregations-helped-transform-business-palms

Habitat Update

SAVE THE DATE!!  The CtK Habitat Work Day will be Saturday, June 1st this year.  If all goes according to plan, we will be FRAMING per request.  Keep in mind, there was a lot of snow this winter—could be a late start.  Either way, thanks!  ~ Rap Fairley for CtK Habitat

Lenten Hunger Focus:  ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving

Lenten Hunger Focus: ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving

This year at Christ the King will be focusing on the Lenten journey using four disciplines identified on a Lenten calendar we will be using: self-examination and repentance; prayer and fasting; works of love; and sacrificial giving.  We will describe some of the resources on 2/24 and 3/3 in advance of Ash Wednesday on 3/6.

Please be sure and pick up the resources on one of those Sundays.  There will be bulletin inserts used for the 6 Sundays in Lent that will highlight efforts of reducing hunger across the world.

CtK has set a goal of $5,000 to be raised during March and April.  A suggestion from the ELCA was to set a goal for each household to contribute $2/day for the 40 days.  Over 800 million people in the world suffer from hunger and 10% of people live on $2/day or less.  We felt this might be a stretch for us.  Please be in prayer about how you can learn, grow and reflect during this Lenten time.

Lenten Hunger Focus & CtK Missions — Guatemala

Lenten Hunger Focus & CtK Missions — Guatemala

Lenten Hunger Focus

Ash Wednesday is on March 6th, and Christ the King will be again focusing some efforts on ELCA World Hunger.  Stay tuned for details in the March Scribe, bulletins, and/or announcements!  In the meantime, you can always look at ways to explore your own Lenten journey at www.elca.org.

CtK Missions – Guatemala


In about four months, ten members of Christ the King Lutheran Church will join members from Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (Stillwater, MN) in Guatemala for a week-long visit with our ministry partners. This will be CtK’s third delegation to visit Iglesia San Juan Bautista in Zaculeu, Guatemala. Our trip there this year will once again focus primarily on building relationships – that is, simply spending time together. Fundraisers to help the participants will be announced soon, but we are now looking for sponsors who might be willing to Adopt a Missionary. What does that entail? It would mean you would agree to support one missionary in all kinds of ways: prayer, visits, thinking-of-you notes, and – yes – perhaps financial support as well. If you are interested in serving in this way, please let Pastor Tim know. Thank you all for your prayers and support for our ministry partners!