July 2023 — Social Ministry News

July 2023 — Social Ministry News

Habitat for Humanity: A BIG Thank You to all the people who helped make our Build Day a success. We had 7 people who worked on the two townhouses – painting, landscaping, repairing railings. Three who worked on the lunch, and two who contributed a total of $500 to Habitat through Thrivent. That money was used to buy a door, paint, weather striping, wood, and more…some of which we used on Saturday. In one capacity or another, this group included Larry Rardin, John Condie, Kim & Mitch Hobby, Bev Dittmer, Larry Hjermstad, Pete Olson, Jacob Johnston, Lynn Mitzlafff, and Rap Fairley.

Frequently other volunteers join us on our build day. This time one of the Habitat Partners (those who have qualified to buy a Habitat home) needed to put in her sweat equity hours; so, she came out to help paint. She is a single parent, with two girls, who teaches in our school district. She has a second job, but still cannot afford to buy a house on the open market. Hopefully home ownership will be a dream come true for them – thanks to Habitat with a little help from CtK!

July 2023 — Social Ministry News

June 2023 — Social Ministry News

Habitat for Humanity:  CtK’s Habitat Build Day is Saturday, June 10th from 8:30 am till 4:30 pm.  This Sunday, June 4th, is the last day to sign up.  We need volunteers to help with the rehab and serve lunch.  All volunteers will be asked to sign a waiver which is now available on the Habitat sign-up table in the visitors’ center or on site if you forget.  Anyone 16 or 17 years old must have the waiver signed by a parent or guardian as well and the parent or guardian must be on site.  
A lot of the construction volunteering guidelines are common sense. Please bring sunscreen, hat, and work gloves, preferably leather.  It is fine to bring your own tools if you want; just be sure they are all labeled with your name.  Having your own water bottle is also a good idea.  It is mandatory to wear closed-toes shoes (preferably work boots – NO sandals).   Volunteers will be contacted the Monday prior to work day either by email or phone call with further details such as directions to the site, where to park, any updates, what we’ll be doing, etc.  Please direct any question to Rap Fairley at 410-474-3571.
July 2023 — Social Ministry News

May 2023 — Social Ministry News

Habitat for Humanity Update:  CtK’s Habitat Build Day, June 10, is closer than you think!  The sign-up sheet will go out on May 21st.  Volunteers are needed to help build and a couple more to help with the lunch set up.  While June 10th is our usual Saturday work day, the LOCATION is different this year.  We are back at 1470 Florida Rd, renovating Units 1 and 7 from previous years.  Habitat will notify CtK closer to the date what exactly we will be doing.  Further information will be forthcoming in May.  If you have questions, please call Rap at 410-474-3571.

July 2023 — Social Ministry News

April 2023 — Social Ministry News

Many of you already know (and more of you will shortly) that Christ the King is a covenant church with Bread for the World, an ecumenical Christian advocacy organization working to urge lawmakers to address hunger in the US and around the world.

From their website:

Our mission is to educate and equip people to advocate for policies and programs that can help end hunger in the U.S. and around the world.

Food banks are also essential – but we focus on advocacy. Why? Because federal nutrition programs provide roughly 10 times as much food assistance as private churches and charities combined. With the stroke of a pen, our government leaders have the power to create policies and programs that impact millions of people at once. 

Our faith in Christ is the foundation for our mission and compels us to love our neighbors near and far. We are led by the values of our faith to stand up for those experiencing hunger all over. (bread.org/about/)

On April 23rd, Christ the King will participate in Bread for the World’s annual Offering of Letters.  The Farm Bill is coming up for renewal, and has significant implications for hunger.  It includes funding for both the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly Food Stamps) and international food aid programs.

We will be talking more in church about Bread and this year’s Offering of letters, but please put it on your personal radar, and come prepared on the 23rd to take pen in hand and advocate for the hungry as God commands us in Proverbs Open your mouth for those who cannot speak, and for the rights of those who are left without help. Proverbs 31:8 NLV.

*Note from your Social Ministry Committee*

So far our Lenten Hunger offering has raised $7250!!  Way to go CtK!!  Can we get it past $7500 by Easter Sunday?

Habitat for Humanity: Save the date – Saturday, June 10 is CtK Habitat Build Day! More details coming in next month’s Scribe!

July 2023 — Social Ministry News

March 2023 — Social Ministry News

Lenten ELCA World Hunger Focus

Christ the King will again focus some of our energy during Lent on the work of the ELCA to help fight World Hunger.

Our goal during Lent this year is to collect $6,000 to help feed the over 811 million undernourished people in the world.

To help us meet this goal, we will be handing out coin boxes, with a Piggy Bank theme, to be used during the 40 days of Lent. If you fill it up just add it to the Noisy Offering can.  We will make sure to have extras available so you can continue to help meet our goal.  Banks are now available in the church office.

People around the world are suffering from Covid, inflation, climate change, droughts, flooding, inflation, war and so much more.  As brothers and sisters in Christ we have heard the call to serve and support those whose basic needs are not met—whether locally, in our country or throughout the world.

Please join us for this time of reflection, prayer and praise as we journey toward the blessings of Easter and God’s fulfilled promises.

We are happy to share with you a letter from our partner congregation ILA San Juan Bautista in Zaculeu, La Libertad:


November, 2022

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ from Nuestro Salvador Stillwater Cristo Rey in Minnesota, we send greetings, wishing you success in your daily work.

  1. We wish that peace remains with each one of your families and homes, and that God fullfiles you with blessings, knowing that we all have you present in our prayers.
  2. We thank ILAG for the support that they have provided to our congregation, especially Pastor Karen and the pastoral team, as well we want to thank you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, for the support you have given us in order for our activities to continue here in Guatemala.
  3. We would like to share that after struggling with some health issues, Pedro Angel Martin Chamán Choc past away two months after his surgeries, his parents and us as members of the church thank everyone who stood by this family despite de grieve and absence of Angelito, his parents remain strong in faith with Jesus Christ.
  4. Brothers and sisters in Christ, thank you for the economic support that you have provided us regarding the electric power project, according to Pastor Karen’s report, funds are available from you and all of us here in the community are very thankful, we would like to let you know that from now on we are going to start coordinating this project in DEORSA or ENERGUATE (this are the electricity companies) in Santa Elena Petén.
  5. Our hopes are that by the end of this year this project has concluded.
  6. The citric plants that we planted have been growing little by little, because the red

    ants have been slowing the growing process.

  7. We have been experiencing a critical moment, because of the rain and in the region

    there has been a lack of corn and the basic grains are expensive.

  8. We are very thankful with all of you, may God bless you and we will be waiting for

    your next visit if God allows it. Here in the community we haven’t had deaths by COVID-19, God has protected us.

The members of Iglesia Luterana Agustina San Juan Bautista. La libertad, Petén.

July 2023 — Social Ministry News

February 2023 — Social Ministry News

Lenten ELCA World Hunger Focus

Christ the King will again focus some of our energy during Lent on the work of the ELCA to help fight World Hunger.

Our goal during Lent this year is to collect $6,000 to help feed the over 811 million undernourished people in the world.

To help us meet this goal, we will be handing out coin boxes, with a Piggy Bank theme, to be used during the 40 days of Lent. If you fill it up just add it to the Noisy Offering can.  We will make sure to have extras available so you can continue to help meet our goal.  Banks will be available starting on Sunday February 19th

People around the world are suffering from Covid, inflation, climate change, droughts, flooding, inflation, war and so much more.  As brothers and sisters in Christ we have heard the call to serve and support those whose basic needs are not met—whether locally, in our country or throughout the world.

Please join us for this time of reflection, prayer and praise as we journey toward the blessings of Easter and God’s fulfilled promises.

Christ the King’s Love Fund

For many years, Christ the King has maintained the Love Fund.  Its purpose is to provide gifts of monetary support to members, attendees, and staff in times of short-term need.  This support comes as an expression of God’s love from the congregation and imposes no requirements on the recipient. 

Financial emergencies can take many forms—unexpected car repairs, unusual medical bills, temporary disability, or loss of work.  The fund has helped people in the past with rent and mortgage payments, legal fees, utility bills and more.  If you, or anyone you know in the congregation, is experiencing a financial emergency, bring it to Pastor Tim’s or Deacon Mandy’s attention.  The names of recipients and any specific circumstances that might reveal their identities will be held in strictest confidence by both our ministers.  If they, with the advice of  the Social Ministry team, find it appropriate and agree that there are no other reasonable options, the Love fund will try to help.

The flip side of this is, of course, that if you have been gifted by God in abundance, please consider making a donation to the Love Fund.  Just write “Love Fund” on the memo line of a check.  Lots of small contributions can go a long way.

We know there are members out there who are currently experiencing financial difficulties.  Talk to one of our ministers; let the Love Fund do what it was intended to do.