January 2021 — Social Ministry News

January 2021 — Social Ministry News

Serving Our Congregation and the Community

How to Help CEAC (Community Emergency Assistance Coalition)

Over many years, Christ the King has been an active supporter of the CEAC process, where people in the community can apply once/year for grants for emergency assistance. You have heard from Pastor Tim over the last few months how we are encouraging support for CEAC through our Noisy Offering. 

One more way to help throughout the year (if you are an LPEA customer) is to sign up through LPEA. Here is what they have to say on their website, www.lpea.coop:

“Sometimes it can be hard to know how we, as individuals, can really make a difference in our communities. But your pennies are powerful! By electing to “round up” your electric bill to the next highest dollar every month, you can make a meaningful impact. Your pennies, combined with those from your neighbors, have generated more than one million dollars in funds for local agencies in La Plata and Archuleta counties. 

LPEA’s inaugural Round Up board was formed in 1996, and by 1997, the foundation had issued its first grant – $1,000 to the Manna Soup Kitchen. Since then, the foundation has endured as a win-win enterprise. Individually, the contributions may be exceedingly small, but, as mentioned above, those pennies add up.”

If you are an LPEA member and would like to participate in the “Round Up” your bill program, please use the form found on the website or call (970) 247-5786.

Thanks for considering this small act to assist members of our community!

The CtK Social Ministry Team





December 2020 — Social Ministry News

December 2020 — Social Ministry News

Serving Our Congregation and the Community

Holiday Update from the Social Ministry Committee

It is December of 2020, and as befits the rest of year, our holiday season is disrupted.  You may know that Project Merry Christmas closed its doors in Durango last January, so we will not have our normal Angel Tree this year.  However, thanks to Minister of Word and Sacrament Tim, we have partnered with La Plata County Family Centers – our new tenants in the Garden Suites of our church building.  They have hundreds of families they serve each year who struggle to make ends meet, especially at this time of year.  Each of the children they work with was invited to make an angel with a toy request on it.  You can find the sign-up for these angels on at CtK’s Sign-Up Hub, https://www.ctkdurango.org/signup/.  Other instructions are on the sign-up page.

COVID is also proving a problem for the local Salvation Army.  I hope you know that most of the money the SA raises in Durango, stays in Durango.  The Salvation Army’s Christmas Bell Ringing campaign will certainly be severely curtailed, and possibly abandoned, this year.  Since SA depends upon this campaign for most of their operating funds, all of the services they provide will be in grave danger.  If you care about the Salvation Army and what they do, consider donating directly to the Durango branch.  Send a check to: PO Box 3296, Durango, CO  81302.


Give Something Unexpected this Christmas!

In Christ, we receive the gift of God’s love.  Let us share God’s love with others in the world.

ELCA Good Gifts are a fun and meaningful way to honor friends and family with Christmas gifts that will go on to make a difference in the world.  Choose from more than 50 gift options (goats / pigs anyone?) each with the ability to make real, lasting change in the life of someone in need.

When you give online, https://goodgifts.elca.org/ you may personalize, for free, printed cards to be sent directly to your friends and loved ones.  You may select to send cards to yourself, print them at home or have them delivered via e-mail.  Select your cards at checkout.

Looking to Donate to Something Closer to Home?

A reminder that Tuesday, December 8, 2020 is Colorado Gives Day!  A one million dollar Incentive Fund has been established so that every non-profit that receives a donation on that day will receive a portion of the fund, thus increasing the impact and value of every dollar that you donated.

Go to https://www.Coloradogives.org/cogivesday and choose the county where the non-profits you want to support are located.

Thank You!

CtK Social Ministry Team





November 2020 — Social Ministry News

November 2020 — Social Ministry News

Serving Our Congregation and the Community

Holiday Update from the Social Ministry Committee

The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and it promises to be an unusual one.  More than one annual holiday event will have to modified or abandoned.  Here is a summary of what we know so far.  

The annual Stuffing Smooshing is cancelled.  There is no way to get the stuffing baked in time and according to COVID-modified guidelines.  Sorry to all of you who turn out annually to smoosh.  However, there will be a modified Community Thanksgiving Dinner with take-out and delivery available.  They do need volunteers to make the take-out at the fairgrounds work, and they will need drivers to deliver.  If you are interested in helping out, call Tonya Wales at (970) 799-2782.

The Salvation Army says they are definitely ringing this year (which doesn’t surprise us, as it is their primary funding source), but they are still working out the details.  They will likely cut back on the number of shifts each day, and might have to modify locations.  If you are interested in helping out with the bell ringing, or just want to stay updated, email John Condie at johnandwanda@bresnan.net.  

As some of you may know, Project Merry Christmas closed up shop in Durango last year (didn’t have anything to do with COVID).  The Social Ministry Committee is discussing alternative projects that CtK might take on instead.  See next month’s Scribe for details.

Thanks to all of you for your support,

The Social Ministry Committee.


Give Something Unexpected this Christmas!

In Christ, we receive the gift of God’s love.  Let us share God’s love with others in the world.

ELCA Good Gifts are a fun and meaningful way to honor friends and family with Christmas gifts that will go on to make a difference in the world.  Choose from more than 50 gift options (goats / pigs anyone?) each with the ability to make real, lasting change in the life of someone in need.

When you give online, https://goodgifts.elca.org/ you may personalize, for free, printed cards to be sent directly to your friends and loved ones.  You may select to send cards to yourself, print them at home or have them delivered via e-mail.  Select your cards at checkout.

Looking to Donate to Something Closer to Home?

A reminder that Tuesday, December 8, 2020 is Colorado Gives Day!  A one million dollar Incentive Fund has been established so that every non-profit that receives a donation on that day will receive a portion of the fund, thus increasing the impact and value of every dollar that you donated.

Go to https://www.Coloradogives.org/cogivesday and choose the county where the non-profits you want to support are located.






November 2020 — Social Ministry News

October 2020 — Social Ministry News

God’s Work. Our Hands. 

Serving Our Congregation Members and the Community

Are you wishing you could help during these unusual times?  CtK’ers have expressed a desire to help out, so here are some ways that you can do that:

  1. Email Pastor Tim (or call him at 970-426-9681) to let him know that you are willing to reach out to a CtK member or family who is not able to attend worship or Zoom. Your phone call, greeting card or drive-by visit may be just what they need.
  2. We have been posting in the Scribe ways to help each of our local ministries. You may call them directly to see exactly what they might need at the time you are ready to serve.  It might be making a casserole and delivering it to the VOA Community Shelter, or helping out with a clean-up project, or helping Manna or the Food Bank or VOA get just the right items at the grocery store to support their needs.  All these groups have experienced serious demands on their services, and funding sources are not as strong as prior to the pandemic and the resulting economic impacts in our community.

If you want to chat further about some ideas and opportunities, please feel free to connect with Jigger Staby at mailto:jpstaby@msn.com.

Jigger Staby

Social Ministry

 A Note from Housing Solutions of SW Colorado, One of Our Local Ministry Partners

“Since 2014, CEAC (Community Emergency Assistance Coalition) has provided $911,000 in emergency assistance to 1,278 households.  We want to say ‘Thank You’ to our donors who helped us to address a high level of need since COVID-19 began.  The additional funds infused into our work has been extremely important for local families through COVID-19.  For over 20 years, CEAC has provided a single point of entry for emergency assistance to households in La Plata and San Juan Counties.  COVID-19 donors include:

The Rocky Mountain Health Foundation

The Colorado Trust


SW Community Foundation

CERF (Community Emergency Relief Fund)

St. Columba Parish

The River Church

Christ the King Lutheran Church

St. Mark’s Episcopal Church

Ballantine Family Fund

Anita Cohen

The Colorado COVID Relief Fund

Founding members of the coalition include United Way, La Plata County Department of Human Services, LPEA Round-Up Foundation, Housing Solutions for the Southwest, Salvation Army, and Volunteers of America

Thank you to our congregation for supporting this effort to help those with emergency needs. We appreciate your support of the Social Ministry budget, those of you who contribute on your own, and those who use the LPEA Round-Up program. You make a difference for so many families in La Plata County.

Jigger Staby

Social Ministry

Christmas Is Coming!  

Once again, the Social Ministry team would like to share with you a reminder about “alternative giving.”  Covid-19 has caused such worldwide havoc, that this year, more than ever, we ask you to consider donating to an organization in honor of the person who would normally receive a gift from you.

This year, because we are unable to gather in-person for worship, we will also not be able to pick up a copy of the ELCA’s Good Gift catalog normally found in our Welcome Center.  However, we do have the website – ELCA.org/goodgifts or the toll free number – 1 800-638-3522 so you can still shop at home safely.

Save this date!  “Colorado Gives Day” is Tuesday, December 8, 2020 and features a one-million-dollar Incentive Fund.  This is powered by the Community First Foundation and presented and supported by First Bank.  Every nonprofit receiving a donation on “Colorado Gives Day” will also receive a portion of the fund, thus increasing the impact and value of every dollar that you have donated.  Find your favorite nonprofits here:



Renate Widder

Social Ministry






November 2020 — Social Ministry News

September 2020 — Social Ministry News

Habitat Thanks YOU! 

BIG thanks to our volunteers who came out to help at our CtK Habitat Build Day.  We weren’t working under our normal conditions, and it was hot.  But Pete Olson and John Condie managed to put up all the batten on the back side of the house, and it looked very nice and finished!  There would have been more volunteers if I had done a better job of explaining the build day was on Friday instead of our usual Saturday.  I apologize.  Thanks, guys.   

Rap Fairley

Social Ministry CtK Habitat Coordinator


Our Local Ministrys Partner Update

As we continue though this year with the local impacts of the pandemic, our local ministry partners, for the most part, have seen dramatic increases in their services.  We would like to encourage the congregation to connect directly with these groups for two purposes:  1) with your financial support if possible; and 2) to explore any ways you might be able to help during this time.  Several groups do have some potential projects that require volunteers.  Volunteer situations would all be treated safely; but we understand that many of our people are not comfortable with any physical contact.  That is understandable.  But some of us are yearning for ways to actually HELP.  So we encourage you to connect directly with these groups.  Check out the information below to help you determine what ministry might be of interest to you in our continuing efforts to maintain CtK’s deep connection with these groups during such trying times.

Durango Food Bank:  www.durangoareafoodbank.org    970-375-2672

Habitat for Humanity:    www.habitatlaplata.org       970-382-2215

Manna:    www.mannasoupkitchen.org        970-385-5095

Volunteers of America:  www.voacolorado.org          970-259-1021

The Social Ministry Team will be working to identify some potential projects, ideas that we will share with everyone at our Sunday, September 13th “God’s Work. Our Hands”  outdoor worship.  So stay tuned for those ideas, and we welcome ideas you may have that will enable CtK’ers to be safely involved with activities that are both beneficial to our community and show God’s love!

Jigger Staby

Social Ministry 







August 2020 — Social Ministry News

August 2020 — Social Ministry News

CtK’s Habitat Update — It’s a Date!

Yes!  Even under these trying conditions, the Habitat Build 2020 is up and running.  We are now organizing CtK volunteers to work at the Habitat Build on Friday, August 14th.  It will be at the usual place, Fox Farms in Bayfield.  At this time, work includes trimming, shelving, and painting.
Due to the pandemic, Habitat has instituted a number of new protocols for working on site.  The first being, if you have already had COVID and are recovered, Habitat asks you wait until their 2021 Build to participate.  If this does not apply to you, and you are interested, a copy of their protocols can be sent to you.  You can then decide if you would be comfortable working on the house.  Also note, this will be a week day, not our usual Saturday.  Another change, just for this year, CtK will NOT be providing lunch.  Everyone is asked to bring his/her own lunch.
Those wanting to volunteer please contact Rap Fairley either by phone, 410-474-3571, or email at deegogal@gmail.com.  She will send you a copy of Habitat’s Protocols, answer your questions, and sign you up if you would like to volunteer.  Note:  Sign up is limited to 7 people this year.
Take care,
Rap Fairley
CtK Social Ministry Committee