Youth Group News – May 2024

Youth Group News – May 2024

Save the MULTIPLE Dates!

SUNDAY, MAY 19 – High School Senior Appreciation: CtK’s 2 High School graduates, Lana Bodewes and Maggie Gardner, will be lifted up during worship at 9:30am. After, at about 10:30am, we’ll have some goodies and time to spend with each other. (Parents, pick-up will be no later than 12 noon, please).

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 – New Wine Church Tour returns to Durango! Remember in 2022, when they brought us a production of BRIGHT STAR? And we fed them pizza before the FREE performance, and then the congregation brought desserts to share after the show? And remember the show was FREE and it was really, really good? And that anyone in the community can attend on June 12th at 7pm (so tell your friends)? Well, it’s all happening again – but this time the show is GODSPELL. The big tour bus will show up sometime on Wednesday, June 12 – I’ll let you know when they tell me. CtK Youth will meet them here and we’ll have dinner together. Then the congregation and community members will come to the show at 7pm and after we’ll all share the desserts that the congregation brought and get to know these fine youth performers from Minnesota.

SUNDAY, JULY 7 – MANDATORY meeting for Day Camp Jr. Counselors at 5pm. So – SIGN UP TO BE A JR COUNSELOR! All the info you need can be found by clicking here. 




Youth Group News – Feb. 2024

Youth Group News – Feb. 2024

Weekly Youth Zoom – New Day and Time!

It’s a new semester, which brings new class schedules, especially for our college YOuth.

So for Winter/Spring Semester:  Join us every MONDAY from 3-4pm.  Join from wherever you are during any or all of that hour.  Email Deacon Mandy for the Zoom credentials.

You won’t know how fun it is until you try!



November 2023 – Youth Group News

November 2023 – Youth Group News

Weekly Youth Zoom!

Join us every Thursday from 4-5pm. We talk, share highs and lows, sometimes there’s a theme, like share a song that brings you joy. Join from wherever you are during any or all of that hour. Our College students have been joining, too! Email Deacon Mandy for the Zoom credentials.


October 2023 – Youth Group News

October 2023 – Youth Group News

Weekly Youth Zoom!

Join us every Thursday from 4-5pm. We talk, share highs and lows, sometimes there’s a theme, like share a song that brings you joy. Join from wherever you are during any or all of that hour. Our College students have been joining, too! Email Deacon Mandy for the Zoom credentials.


August 2023 – Youth Group News

August 2023 – Youth Group News

Here’s the video of Day Camp 2023 for your viewing pleasure!

Youth – SAVE THE DATE – August 6th at the 9:30 worship service we’re giving our High School graduates their gifts AND having a youth brunch fun time after! I’ll text/email… but if you happen to read this here, let me know!