July 2021 – Youth Group News

July 2021 – Youth Group News

Youth Sunday July 25

Worship with us on Sunday, July 25th at 9 and/or 10:30am and see what the Youth have in store as they express their faith.

There might be bears.

Also, look for their yummy Christmas treats during Fellowship when we celebrate Christmas in July on the 18th.

June 2021 – Youth Group News

May 2021 – Youth Group News

Calling all Jr. Counselors and Campers!
It’s almost time for Day Camp!

Day Camp 2021
July 12-16

Lots of things are different this year, as our Youth can attest. At least we can still have Day Camp! It’s going to be a LOT different this year, however.
The schedule is different, the registration process is different, the health checks are different…
But the one thing that will always stay the same is Jesus and His love for us!
Let’s share that love with our community!
Go to ctkdurango.org/day-camp-21/ to register to be a camper (K-6th grade) or a Jr Counselor (7th-12th grade).
All the info you need is there, hopefully; but if not, email Deacon Mandy.

April 2021 – Youth Group News

April 2021 – Youth Group News

Hi CtK!

We, the Youth, have been working behind the scenes these past almost 40 days to build the other half of the visual responses to the Solemn Reproaches for this year’s Good Friday worship service. Each week we’ve had our own phrase that we read, researched, and reacted to as a group. We’ve used lots of different media to create our own take on each phrase. We’ve done a lot of biblical research for each one as well, research that sometimes takes us down a few “rabbit holes” (what the heck is going on with the fig tree in Mark 11:12-25???). We hope when you see each display, along with hearing the Solemn Reproach, that you understand where we’re coming from. If you don’t: ask us! We’ll be around, helping out all Easter weekend. Click here to join us!  
March 2021 – Youth Group News

March 2021 – Youth Group News

Thank you CtK!

The Silent Auction raised $1144 for the Youth Gathering! Everyone who bid is downright amazing.

Trivia Night was also tons of fun – we might just do it again, so be on the lookout for that.

Congrats to David Smith who was the first to respond with the correct number of otters (3) on the Silent Auction page!

Other fundraising ideas the Youth have is a concert, bake sale, another auction (live or silent, depending). If you would like to create a Thrivent Action Team toward helping the Youth purchase prizes or ingredients or goods for auction, please email Mandy and she and the Youth will contact you.

As always, you can simply donate money to the youth on the Youth Page.

You can be a part of planning a fundraiser, you can give money, you can hire the Youth to do an Odd Job for you! Get in touch today: CtK Youth Fundraiser! Woo Hoo!

February 2021 – Youth Group News

February 2021 – Youth Group News

February Fundraisers

Trivia Night – February 14th at 6pm on Zoom. RSVP here. Our Youth have written the questions and want to test your knowledge on a variety of subjects! Plus you’ll get to know them a bit better as they will each host the category they wrote. You’ll need one device (like your phone) to answer the questions and another with which to Zoom (like your computer). Youth Matt Pane explains it all in the video below. Fabulous prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Suggested donation to play: $5 

Silent Auction – February 14th at 9pm through February 21st at 12pm. Our Youth are putting together baskets of awesomeness from local businesses for you to bid on! They chose local to support our community; our Trivent members gave them money to spend so we didn’t have to ask for donations during this uncertain time for small businesses. I’m very proud of the thoughtfulness of our Youth and thankful for the generosity of our congregation!

All Zoom links, payment links, bidding process, and everything else you need to know to support our Youth in these two fundraising endeavors can be found at https://www.ctkdurango.org/youth-events/, with links updated closer to the week of February 14th.

Thanks for playing!