January 2021 – Youth Group News

January 2021 – Youth Group News

I just can’t tell you how proud I am of ALL of CtK’s Youth, but especially the 8 who performed in the 2020 Live Nativity (see below) and are working to go to the Youth Gathering in 2022.

They have big plans for 2021, among them being a Trivia Night and a Coffee Sale. They eagerly await your Odd Job Requests  as well as any pledges and donations you can give.  

Start their New Year out with a BANG and help them get to Minneapolis in 2022!

December 2020 – Youth Group News

December 2020 – Youth Group News

The Best Zoomed Christmas Pageant Ever

Since we can’t get together to do the Live Nativity this year, the Christmas Pageant has been re-imagined for 2020 with CtK’s Youth in mind. Specifically, all eight Youth who are going to the Youth Gathering in 2022.

We absolutely can’t wait for you to see it. The premiere will be during the 9:15am Zoom Worship Service on December 20th.

And if you like it, why not donate to their Youth Gathering fund? Go to https://www.ctkdurango.org/youth-fundraiser/ and give them a little Christmas bonus.

October 2020 – Youth Group News

October 2020 – Youth Group News

CtK’s Youth are hosting a Yard Sale on Sunday, October 25th, in the CtK parking lot after the live worship service.
They are raising money to attend the ELCA Youth Gathering in 2022.
Ways you can help:

  • Come shop on Sunday, Oct 25, from 10am-1pm.
  • Donate items for the Youth to sell. Email Mandy to set up a drop off time.
  • Sell your own items on Sunday, Oct 25th out of the trunk of your car. The more, the merrier! You can give a percentage of your sales to the youth if you want, but you don’t have to.
  • Forward this url to invite others, or just tell everyone you see.

Thank you for helping CtK’s Youth get to Minneapolis in 2022!

September 2019 — CtK Youth Group News

September 2019 — CtK Youth Group News

CtK Youth Group began their weekly meetings on Friday August 23rd.  They will continue to meet throughout the school year from 4-5:30pm in the Youth Room and Community Hall.   Several activities and projects are in the works – everything from Xbox to weekly service projects–like working at Manna’s Garden Project on Thursdays and/or cooking at Manna on Wednesdays.  Of course, there is also Bible Study and Confirmation.  On those Sundays when there is no Confirmation class, Youth Bible Study will join with the Intergenerational Sunday School classes at 9:30am in the Community Hall.   Everyone will discuss the “ELCA Social Statement.”

Youth Group would appreciate any chaperones that might be available on any Friday from 3:30pm-4:00pm so youth could come to the church directly after school to play Xbox.  Christina is unable to get here from her day job earlier than 4:00pm.  So please prayerfully consider volunteering for this important ministry – the youth would be SO grateful!!  Thank you!

For more info and details, contact Christina Cummins, Director of Youth Ministry.