June 2019 — CtK Youth Group News

June 2019 — CtK Youth Group News

The CtK Youth Group ended the school year with a “De-Stress Fest” on Friday, May 31st. They had loads of fun, games, and prizes – all to help them unwind from the school year and kick off  their summer vacations.

They send tons of thanks to all who helped with donations of Thrivent dollars, food, and many various gift card prizes.  Your continued support of our youth is greatly appreciated!

Congratulations to Kristina Bodewes, Lana Bodewes, Evan Gonzales, and Jessica McVaugh who were confirmed on Sunday, May 19th.  They are now full-fledged, voting members of our CtK community.

Lastly, we bid farewell and God speed to our 2019 high school graduates:  John Awe (DHS) – he will be going into the Navy; Noah Bodewes (DHS) – he will be attending Colorado State University (CSU) in the Fall; and Amla Wolf (AHS) – undecided at this time.    Our best wishes to them for continued success in all their endeavors!

June 2019 — CtK Youth Group News

May 2019 — CtK Youth Group News

The CtK Youth Group will end the school year with a “De-Stress Fest” on Friday, May 31st from 5-7:30 PM.  All youth 5th graders (going into 6th) through 12th graders are invited to attend.  There will be lots of fun, games, and prizes – all to help you unwind from the school year and kick off summer vacation.

See Christina if you are able to help with donations of Thrivent dollars, food, gift cards (Starbucks, WalMart, Amazon, etc.) to be used for prizes.  There were nearly 40 youth in attendance last year, so we greatly need your support and help, and we sincerely appreciate whatever you can assist with.  And please consider being a youth chaperone! We need you!

Remember to congratulate the following CtK Youth who will be confirmed on Sunday, May 19th:  Kristina Bodewes, Lana Bodewes, Evan Gonzales, and Jessica McVaugh.

Kudos to our 2019 high school graduates: John Awe (DHS) – he will be going into the Navy; Noah Bodewes (DHS) – he will be attending Colorado State University (CSU) in the Fall; and Amla Wolf (AHS) – undecided at this time.    Our best wishes to them for continued success in all their endeavors!

CtK Youth Group — April 2019

Busy March for CtK Youth

CtK’s youth were busy in March with fundraising activities to benefit their mission trip to Guatemala in June. We began with a  Dr. Seuss breakfast on March 3rd followed by a St. Patrick’s Day Brunch on March 17th,  It’s been a month full of fun and fellowship and yes, LOTS of cooking and serving our awesome CtK congregation.   The youth THANK YOU for your continued support!

Save the Date — April 7th — for our next fundraiser: a Bake Sale/Auction.  All baked goods will be home made!!

Please continue to pray for our youth. Keep praying for their parents. And keep praising God for such an amazing Pastor Tim!

(Oh, and please donate more beanbag chairs for more lock-ins!)

(Oh, and please consider being a youth chaperone! We need more volunteers!!!)

Youth Group News – March 2019

February for the youth group was full of fun and fellowship.

We started the month by power-planning for a much-needed lock-in. I wish Sunday School was more attended but that would mean less family time in the morning for youth and more rushing kids out the door for just another activity for parents. Instead, I eagerly await them to come hangout before the late service. This particular Sunday I was approached by a Youthling to let me know how we all need to get together and plan out some events.

Thus, began the repurposing of the CtK Youth Group for 2019! We corralled the other youth attending church after the service for a much-needed planning party in the youth room. We were able to figure out which days I could bring pizza to their school, and that led to 4 pizza days in February! Two days at Durango High School and two days at Escalate. With youth group moved back to Friday’s, we are able to spend time together talking, praying, venting, offering advice, and genuinely fellowshipping together.

The lock-in we had planned in December was unfortunately cancelled. But the youth really wanted to have a lock-in when they could relax but also have fun (and to take it easier on the messy games!). With that information, I was able to create a quick handout for the youth to pass out to advertise the lock-in with their friends. The first pizza event to DHS, I met with some youth and their friends in the cafeteria where we made more friends by sharing all the delicious food I had brought. Everyone was able to have a slice as long as they took a flyer also. Then I took pizza to Escalate and met so many middle schoolers! At this point I have gotten to know the school faculty pretty well and have been enrolled in their system as a frequent guest!

Due to the last-minute nature of planning the lock-in, finding chaperones was a struggle!! Not many Safe-Haven-approved volunteers were able to come to the church for a fifteen-hour youth event. (Lesson learned!) I was not able to bring the pizza for the second time to the high school so I had it delivered to our most trusted youthling to share. The next day was her birthday, so I made sure to bring her favorite Starbucks drink to school; then I picked up more pizza, and headed to Escalate where the staff politely asked if I was going to regularly bring pizza for my youth group. I let her know probably not, this was for a special occasion, and even Dominos pizza gets expensive after a while! Apparently, by bringing pizza to Escalate, I was unknowingly pulling too many middle schoolers from the cafeteria lunch and wasting their food! (Another lesson learned!).

The lock-in itself was awesome. We began with a simple prayer, went over the rules for the evening, ate (and ate and ate and ate), then we went to Chapman hill for Disco Night early enough before all the good skate rentals were gone! You would think as an adult, ice skating with teenagers for 2 hours might be rough; however, I could not have had more fun!

Back at the church, I donned my favorite dinosaur onesie and the youth quickly began their adventures! Some finished dinner, some played games, some put on their jammies and the other begins hoarding snacks. (Yes, I don’t get it either. But that’s why I call them my youthling’s – and just pretend they are my baby penguins hoarding their favorite pebbles.) I know that many are dismayed by the loss of Children’s World. I hope it brings you joy to know that the youth used most of the area for many, many rounds of Sardines! We gladly used the spaces to hide throughout most of the night!

In a world where Kardashian/Jenner drama is considered news, I find it even more important to stop and enjoy each day of our lives. I don’t want to be King Solomon in Ecclesiastes; I want our youth to grow up appreciating every day. I want them to stop worrying about college IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! I want them to learn love and kindness for one another, and goodness! I want kids to stop believing suicide is their only way out. I want these children of God to have a good-clean-family-friendly release to all the terrible junk they have to manage in life. Just for fun, one day put yourself in a youthling’s shoes and try to manage: peer pressure, parent pressure, media pressure, expectations from peers, parents, teachers and family, teen suicide, drugs temptation, drinking temptation, teen pregnancy, body shaming, bullies, honor roll, varsity teams, financial distress, friendships, relationships, avoiding predators, all while trying to have a happy, normal home life and hoping to get into a good college someday.

So keep praying for our youth. Keep praying for their parents. And keep praising God for such an amazing Pastor Tim!

(Oh, and please donate more beanbag chairs for more lock-ins!)

(Oh, and please consider being a youth chaperone! I need more volunteers!!!)