Day Camp

Monday July 8 – Thursday, July 11, 2024
9am – 3:00pm
For kids entering K – 6th grade in the fall of 2024

(Campers stay later on Thursday; grown-ups join us for a special program at 4:30pm)

Monday, July 8

Today we learned that we are all Beloved Children of God!
Key verse: Romans 8:39 Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God shown to us through Jesus Christ.
We got gifts of water canteens and decorated them however we wanted.
In the afternoon we had a visit from Bear Smart and learned how to keep bears wild!
TOMORROW: We will have a visit from the Fire Department. Please wear sunscreeen and remember your lunch! Pickup is at 3pm.

Tuesday, July 9

Today we talked about how we have been created to be present with God… in awe, in wonder, in conversation.
Key verse: Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I am God.
We got to make beaded jewlery today!
In the afternoon we had a visit from the Durango Fire Department and talked about how we can help fire fighters know we have beloved pets inside our homes while keeping ourselves safe in an emergency.
TOMORROW: We will have a visit from the Rocky Mountain Wolf Project. Please wear sunscreeen and remember your lunch as well as your water canteen and good running shoes! Pickup is at 3pm.

Wednesday, July 10

Today we celebrated the ME that is each of our campers: The ME that is uniquely created, uniquely loved, and uniquely valued. The ME that is gifted and talented, made in the image of God, and fully known by our Creator. We may at times doubt the value of ME, but God never does. God loves us each to the moon and back… God loves each of us enough to die for us.
Key verse: Cor. 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
We made bags for kids and adults. The Quilting group here at CtK will stuff them with goodies and necessities at Christmas time to give to those in need. 
In the morning, in addition to our regular activities (Bible Study, Arts & Crafts, and Games) we’ll have a special Yoga instructor to teach us animal poses and stretches. Then in the afternoon: It’s Water Day!!! Remember your bathing suit, towel, extra sunscreen, and your lunch.
Also: Special program for Families and friends at 4:30pm. DO NOT pick your camper up at the regular time. We will stay after 3pm to work on the special program. After which, we’ll all gather on the front lawn for an ice cream party! Camp will end at around 6pm.

What is Day Camp?

Day Camp with Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp is back for 2024! We are so excited to have RTLC Counselors return to Durango to once again create and share faith-building activities with the young people of our community.

The schedule is: 9am – 3pm, Monday – Thursday. On Thursday, campers will stay until 4:30 when their grown-ups will join us in the CtK sanctuary for songs, skits, and a movie from the week’s fun.

Example of afternoon activities:
Monday – Silly Olympics
Tuesday – Field Trip to the Fish Hatchery
Wednesday – Water Day
Thursday – Visit from the Durango Police Department

Registration and Cost

Junior Counselors

We love our Jr Counselors and we couldn’t have Day Camp without them! If you are a Youth entering 7th grade or up in the fall you can volunteer to help out. The experience is spiritually rewarding and your volunteer hours count toward community service.

Time Commitment: 

Sunday, July 7, 5pm-7:30pm. Meet the RTLC Counselors, have dinner, and set up for Camp. This is mandatory.

Monday – Wednesday, July 8 – 11, 8:30am – 3:30pm and Thursday, July 13, 8:30 – 7pm. Day Camp! It’s hard work sometimes, but oh-so-fun.

Bring your lunch and join us for hilarity.

  • You must fill out a Registration form below.

Help Support Day Camp

We rely on the generosity of our CtK family to make Day Camp a safe, fun, and faith-filled experience for our Campers and Counselors.

CtK will provide RTLC Counselors with sack lunches and dinners Monday-Thursday, July 8-11. This is for 4 college-aged counselors. They can eat. A lot. Sack lunches should be dropped off at CtK the morning for which you have signed up. Dinners can be at your house or you can buy a gift certificate for a local restaurant. Click on the FEED ME button below to sign up.

We are, as always, also in need of donations of Snacks for the Campers and Arts & Crafts Supplies. Click on the “Snacks N Supplies” button below to see what’s on our Wal-Mart Registry. Items can be shipped to CtK (495 Florida Rd, Dgo, 81301) or you can bring them to the church; either way we need them no later than Sunday, July 7.

There is also a button for supplies from Oriental Trading Company. These are things that are harder to come by, and therefore must be delivered to the church no later than JUNE 23. This way I can order anything left unpurchased with time to have it shipped to CtK (495 Florida Rd, Dgo, 81301).

If you are a Thrivent Member, you can donate one or both of your free-to-you Action Team cards to Day Camp! Click the link below and fill out the form with the info on this page. Email Deacon Mandy if you need assistance.